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Welcome to the North America weekly Newsletter. Here you will find announcements, updates, and need-to-knows for all things Nu Skin. We are excited you are here!

Week 4 of Nu You 2021 Contest

Week 4 of Nu You 2021 Contest

Take time to celebrate every success in your fitness journey and let us see the progress you’re making by posting with the hashtag #nuyou2021.

Stay strong with this simple workout you can do anytime, anywhere.

Complete 3-5 sets of each:

Mountain climbers (20-30 seconds)

Alternating press up (8-12 reps)

Split jump (20-30 seconds)

Ski jump (20-30 seconds)

Hamstring step out (8-12 reps)

Need some extra motivation? Check out Jeron's incredible fitness journey! 

Tips to Keep Moving with Nu You 2021

Tips to Keep Moving with Nu You 2021

Super Sharing Bonus: Face Lift

Super Sharing Bonus: Face Lift