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Welcome to the North America weekly Newsletter. Here you will find announcements, updates, and need-to-knows for all things Nu Skin. We are excited you are here!

What's Selling in Canada?

What's Selling in Canada?

Have you heard? ageLOC LumiSpa Intro Kit is a hot item right now for specific leaders in EMEA and a rapidly growing group of social sellers in the United States.

Customers are responding positively to the convenience of complete daily skin care routines with the added anti-aging benefits of ageLOC bundled into one practical and effective package. Take a look at this kit and consider ways you can incorporate the promotion of it with your teams. Others are finding success with the LumiSpa Intro Kit, and you can too!

LifePak Women is BOGO with No Limits

LifePak Women is BOGO with No Limits

Canada PIN Title Advancement in June!

Canada PIN Title Advancement in June!