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Hydrate & Replenish with the Ultimate Waterfull Mask 💦

Hydrate & Replenish with the Ultimate Waterfull Mask 💦

With summer comes outside activities, and as a result, the unfortunate sunburn. You try and cover your skin with aloe, but no matter what you do it dries out and starts to peel. Help combat that dry and peeling skin on your face with Nu Skin’s Ultimate Waterfull Mask.

Designed to hydrate and replenish the skin, this mask contains a hydrating blend that helps bind water and hold it to the surface of the skin as well as a skin conditioning blend which supports the skin to feel soft and supple. Perhaps the most unique ingredient in this mask, is caffeine. Not only does this mask hydrate and replenish the skin, but as it also gives your skin a more energized appearance due to the caffeine.

A water gel mask that is 100% botanical from eucalyptus microfibers, the Ultimate Waterfull Mask is transparent providing increased visibility making application easy.

Hydrate and replenish dry skin today with Nu Skin’s Ultimate Waterfull Mask!

Shop US Ultimate Waterfull Mask

Shop Canada Ultimate Waterfull Mask

NewBeauty Roundup Features AP 24 Whitening Toothpaste

NewBeauty Roundup Features AP 24 Whitening Toothpaste

How to Add Subscriptions SKUs to One-Time Orders

How to Add Subscriptions SKUs to One-Time Orders