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A Culture of Belonging 

A Culture of Belonging 

Read below for thoughts from Kate Toronto, Nu Skin Senior Manager of Diversity and Inclusion on Nu Skin’s Culture of Belonging.

Being a force for good and striving to lift and empower people is at the heart of Nu Skin’s business. These founding principles drive our opportunity platform, product portfolio, outreach programs—even the culture we create. “We know we have a global sales force who all come from different walks of life with different needs, and so by encouraging our workforce to empower diverse perspectives, we encourage them to empathetically meet the needs of our diverse sales leaders and consumers,” said Kate Toronto, Nu Skin Senior Manager of Diversity and Inclusion. She continues, “We are empowering all people, something that rests at the heart of our mission statement and purpose….This is not a trend, this is deeply tied to who we are as a company and community. 

Embedding a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mindset into every process of the business is an ongoing commitment at Nu Skin. In the summer of 2020, Nu Skin executives formed an inclusion council—a cross-functional team of leaders representing all areas of the company and dedicated to improving business practices to seek, strengthen, and support diverse populations. Their efforts include training managers on how to intentionally interview and hire in a way that provides an empowering experience for all communities, creating healthy, safe, inclusive workplace offices, and building checklists that allow team members to view product needs through a lens that embraces differences.  And, as Nu Skin attracts increasingly more people of unique backgrounds to join its community, key players are striving to create a leadership team and product line reflective of its sales leaders and consumers to do a better job of seeing and respecting each of them. 

We are a force for good as we seek, develop, and empower diverse individuals and perspectives. We aspire to be a global community where every employee, entrepreneur, and consumer knows and feels they belong.

To promote even greater inclusion, Nu Skin’s employee-led Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) offer professional development, mentoring, community outreach programs, and education on minority topics and allyship. Toronto says, “Our DEI vision statement commits us to create a space where all who live the Nu Skin Way know and feel they belong. We’ve created these ERGs to help us do that, to promote equity, inclusion, and belonging here at Nu Skin.  Regardless of who you are, we will make a space for you.” She emphasizes that it’s not about race, marital status, how you love, or how you worship. Instead, she asks, “Are you committed to improving lives, being a force for good, and living the Nu Skin Way? If so, you belong, and we open our arms wide to you.” 

Better Together! LumiSpa and Nutricentials Kits

Better Together! LumiSpa and Nutricentials Kits

Super Sharing Bonus Product in June!

Super Sharing Bonus Product in June!